Monday, 25 March 2013

button up

club monaco button up, mackage leather jacket, f21 jeans, bronx shoes, necklace from etsy

Happy Monday everyone!

Thursday, 21 March 2013


Audrey shoes from shoemint, current/elliott leopard jeans

If you love the Jenni Kayne D'orsay flats but don't want to fork out that kind of money,
shoemint has a wicked pair of flats with a VERY similar look!
Check it out! There are 4 different colors!

Wednesday, 20 March 2013


Mackage jacket, TNA denim shirt, TNA raglan, AG jeans, Bronx suede shoes

Warmth is finally here! Didn't have to turn on the heat on my drive to and from work today! Horray! Spring has finally sprung, let's hope it sticks around for awhile longer.
Oh yeah, can you tell? I got a hair cut!
